ADHD Therapy and Treatment

Do you…

  • Have trouble staying focused and often miss important details?
  • Make hasty decisions and seek immediate rewards?
  • Move around constantly even in situations when it is not appropriate?
  • Daydream a lot and are generally disorganized?
  • Have trouble initiating and completing new tasks?
  • Avoid or dislike tasks that require sustained mental effort?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may have difficulty with inattention and/or hyperactivity and impulsivity.

It is when sustaining attention for long periods of time and/or having excessive hyperactive and impulsive behaviors that it can affect your everyday functioning. If this sounds familiar and it is negatively impacting your functioning at home, work or in relationships, you may be living with ADHD. We are here to help. Give us a call at or send us a text to (973) 891-0793 if you are seeking direction and would like to learn more about how to cope with it.

Once attention and hyperactivity/impulsivity reaches clinical levels, it can fall into various categories. Some people may struggle mostly with inattention, some may have more hyperactive and impulsive behaviors and others may struggle with both types of problems. You have an opportunity to take charge of your life and feel better.

ADHD is diagnosed in about 4% of adults in the United States. Our highly skilled clinical psychologists can help you regain power over your life and achieve your goals. Through supportive, insight-oriented psychotherapy coupled with cognitive-behavioral techniques and mindfulness-based strategies, we can guide you through this learning and healing process.

There is no need to suffer any longer. You are not alone. We are here to help you on this path toward relief and emotional health.