Depression Therapy and Treatment

Do  you…

  • Feel sad most of the time and cannot seem to find joy in life anymore?
  • Isolate yourself from your family and friends and stay home most of the time?
  • Fill your time with unhealthy activities rather than the things you used to enjoy?
  • Sleep or eat more or less than usual to cope with your feelings?
  • Feel fatigued or have trouble concentrating most of the time?
  • Have shift in mood drastically from very high highs to very low lows?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may be suffering from depression.

Sadness is an emotion that we all experience from time to time to varying degrees of intensity. Just like joy, anxiety and anger, sadness is a feeling that comes and goes and is usually in response to an identifiable stressor or experience.

It is when sadness becomes very intense and remains at that intense level for a significant period of time that it can affect your everyday functioning. If you experience a chronic sense of sadness and anhedonia and it is negatively impacting your functioning at home, work or in relationships, we are here to help. Give us a call at or send us a text to (973) 891-0793 if you are seeking relief and would like to learn more about how to cope with it.

Once chronic sadness reaches clinical depressive levels, it can fall into various categories. Some people may experience an episode of depression that lasts at least two weeks that occurs spontaneously in response to the death of a loved one, a romantic breakup, a medical illness or other life event. These episodes may be mild, moderate or severe in nature and may include changes in energy level, appetite, sleep, activity level and thoughts of death or suicide. Postpartum women may experience depressive symptoms within the first four weeks of giving birth. Others may experience depression for a much longer period of time, two years or more, and have similar symptoms to a lesser degree. Some people may experience moods that shift from severe highs or mild highs to severe lows.

Depression can manifest differently in everyone. You have an opportunity to take charge of your life and feel better.

Depressive disorders are very commonly diagnosed in the United States. Most adults will experience at least one or more depressive episodes in their lifetime. Our highly skilled clinical psychologists can help you regain power over your life and achieve your goals. Through supportive, insight-oriented psychotherapy coupled with cognitive-behavioral techniques and mindfulness-based strategies, we can guide you through this learning and healing process.

There is no need to suffer any longer. You are not alone. We are here to help you on this path toward relief and emotional health.