PTSD Therapy and Treatment

Does your child or teen…

  • Have intrusive thoughts, flashbacks or nightmares about a traumatic event?
  • Feel disconnected from others and withdraw from their family or friends?
  • Avoid people, places and things that remind them of the trauma?
  • Have trouble relaxing, concentrating, sleeping or leaving their home?
  • Feel irritable, jumpy, easily angered and sometimes emotionally numb?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, your child or teen may be suffering from post-traumatic stress.

Anxiety and stress are emotions that we all experience from time to time to varying degrees of intensity. Just like joy, disappointment and frustration, anxiety and stress are feelings that are usually in response to an identifiable stressor or experience.

It is when anxiety and stress that are in response to a traumatic event become very intense and remain at that intense level for a significant amount of time that it can affect your everyday functioning. If your child or teen experiences post-traumatic stress and it is impacting their functioning at home, school or in relationships, we are here to help.

Post-traumatic stress can affect anyone. You have an opportunity to help your child or teen take back their life and feel better. We are here to help them take back control.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is diagnosed in about 5% of adolescents between the ages of 13-18 in the United States. Our highly skilled clinical psychologists can help your child or teen regain power over their life and achieve their goals. Through supportive, insight-oriented psychotherapy coupled with cognitive-behavioral techniques and mindfulness-based strategies, we can guide them through this learning and healing process. Several of our psychologists are also trained in EMDR therapy, an evidence-based treatment specifically developed to help individuals recover from traumatic events and integrate those events into their lives so that the events are no longer hurtful but painlessly interwoven into their life narrative.

There is no need for your child or teen to suffer any longer. They are not alone. We are here to help them on this path toward relief and emotional health.