
Identifying & Coping with Intergenerational & Collective Bias

by Kailani Akana Murphy, LCSW “The boomer grandparent who doesn’t know how to operate email.” “The Gen X parent who tells their children that younger generations have no work ethic.” “The millennial child who can’t function without constant recognition.” “The zoomer who doesn’t know how to write a thank you card.” Most of today’s family…
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SPACE Treatment: Helping your Child Overcome Anxious Emotions

By Allison Dickens, LPC Parenting, at the best of times, is hard work.  Parenting a child who struggles with anxious emotions can feel confusing, scary, and frustrating for all involved.  Further, as parents it is easy to feel that you are failing your anxious child by not responding appropriately to their emotional distress.  Traditionally, therapy…
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